Sunday, 11 November 2012

Creative Space

At the end of 2010 a new shop opened in Frederiksberg, quickly it became one of my own personal favourites in Copenhagen. It's name is Creative Spaces and it is a ceramic painting shop. The premise being that one goes to the shop and buy's a piece of pottery from the wide range available, chooses some paints from those available and takes a seat for a creative hour or two. To keep you refreshed Creative Spaces also has a selection of drinks to choose from whilst you work. Finally, pay for your pieces and return a few days later to collect once the ceramics have been through the kiln.
From the minute we arrived today we were welcomed like old friends by the owner, she and her husband have previously spent many years in the States and their customer service is excellent. Always happy to be back it was just myself and my eldest son this time as we were having a couple of hours together and Creative Space was his specific treat.
It can be quite hard to decide which of the pieces of pottery to paint the choice is so vast. Really it is, you will find a few different shapes of all the table wear such as cups and plates as well as a wide range of home wear pottery too. One day I will give myself a few hours and decorate a large serving dish but that will take time and time is not something I generally have when visiting a shop with at least a hundred tempting bottles of paint and an inquisitive toddler.
As it was treat day my son chose to paint a Woody from Toy Story, keepsake bowl and I decided to work on a cup as a gift for my sister.
We were shown to our table for the morning and were given our box of equipment to use. The equipment box is such a good idea that I have recreated it at home for myself. A wicker box containing a wide selection of paint brushes, sponge applicators and cloths as well as a paint pallet all neatly packed up for your convenience.
The fun bit next, choosing your colours. I am always impressed at the selection to choose from, there is no limit on how much of each colour you can take to paint with and children are readily encouraged to make their own choices.
All in all we spent an hour and a half together quietly chatting without distraction, creating a lasting memory of our morning. I know my son has plans to keep treasures in his box and my sister will hopefully be delighted with her personalised cup. We'll return next week full of anticipation, eager to see the finished masterpieces.
Take a look at the website or head down to the shop to see for yourself, I heartily recommend.

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