Sunday, 11 November 2012

Summer is here

Summer months in my home are anticipated as soon as the first shoots start to make their eager way through the freshly defrosted soil of winter. Having stoically made it through the bleak days of February in Denmark, when candles interupt the heavy light  sufficiently enough to forget for a moment the snows forming freshly at the door. March and April bring promise of times ahead, the occasional day of bright blue skies and searing sunshine to unaccustomed eyes. I love to sit in the window seat reading a comforting book whilst soaking up all the heat I can whilst my bones delight in this long awaited warmth.
May and June, so tantilising and teasing. Days of glorious heat punctuated with moments cold enough to frost the windows and make us reach for our tired coats once again. Then finally, finally we have a week of the clearest most beautiful weather that herald's the arrival of our Danish Summer.
This is a year for discovering all that we can do within an hour or so of our house and trust me, that will be plenty enough activity to fill endless days and warm evenings. I want to go back to basics this summer and hopefully provide my children with memories they will treasure forever. I hope that the greatest moments will help keep me going once the leaves fall and I reach for the hats and gloves again.
Therefore, I made a list of all the things I wished to do and presented some of it to my boys. We will happily be spending many eager hours at the glorious Danish seaside, we will definitely use the local forests on days when the sun takes a break and we will be using all that we can from the nature around us to fill hungry tummies.
Homemade elderflower cordial, crab hunting, camp fire cooking, strawberry picking, subsequent jam making, lolly creating, smoothie drinking of the anticipated strawberries. Fishing, sandcastle building, coastline exploring, forest fruit foraging, picnicing, painting, photographing, eating, sharing and joining friends many of the above.
Welcome back summer we can't wait to begin.

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