Tucked away in the north of Sjaelland lies a treasure of a place, the Danske Teknisk Museum. Founded in 1911, the museum holds a large collection of transport including over 30 full sized aeroplanes. Waking up to the rain dancing down the window frames and faced with entertaining the troops all day it wasn't a hard decision to pack up the car and head just south of Helsingor for a very pleasant morning.
We have visited the museum a couple of times before which adds a comforting amount of familiarity and an increasing fondness for our favourites. The collection is housed inside a hanger which you enter via the small but nicely presented coffee and gift shop. It is quite something to enter the building and see so many different vehicles, some suspended, others so enormous you simply can't fail to be impressed. Whenever we visit there is always a steady throng of visitors but never so many that it feels busy or that you cannot take time over exhibits and there always seems to be a calmness surrounding the rooms. To be perfectly honest the majority of visitors are male, aside from Mothers of boys (that's me) or grandmothers but then this is every little boys dream museum. It is like landing in the playroom car box, only of course everything is life size.
Some of the pieces are interactive and my boys had to be peeled out of the fighter jet cockpit. At the simulator flight deck there were a couple of other Mummy's waiting patiently outside whilst our offspring sat attentively pushing buttons, flicking switches and presumably landing a jumbo jet perfectly in their own imaginations.
The museum could be improved slightly if for non Danish speakers, some of the descriptions were in English but depending on your proficiency there is plenty of Danish literature to be read. Another thing to bear in mind is that the hanger is not heated so in winter and I tell you this with experience, it can be absolutely freezing, so layer up if you go in the colder months.
We love this unassuming museum and will most certainly go again on another day when it rains so heavily you can hear drumming on the corrugated ceiling, reassuring you that coming to visit was a great idea.
The museum is very reasonable, today's visit cost 65dkk for one adult and two children and filled a very wet couple of hours. We heartily recommend you give it a try.
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