There are days that stumble upon me when I have a rare hour or so to myself and how happy I am if this is the case. When such a day comes a calling there is nothing I like to do more for myself than to make a large latte, gather a selection of recipe books and head to a quiet spot in which to read and plan some exciting culinary adventures. My recipes books are an important part of my family for they have been fundamental in the growth and physical well being of my brood. I have books to remind me of home, some to inspire me from far away shores and an increasing collection of Scandinavian books, more of which I shall introduce in an upcoming post. There is little that Nigella, Gordon and I can't cook together should we have the time and more importantly here in Denmark, should we be able to find all the necessary ingredients.

I had no idea that certain ingredients that I had become so accustomed to purchasing back home in England would prove to be quite so illusive once I had settled enough to start cooking again here in Copenhagen.
Of course there is the fun period when one makes slight mistakes in translation, a much needed cup of coffee ruined by a dolloping globule of sour milk or even worse, yoghurt. Yes I am speaking from painful experience. I am all for experimentation but mistakes aside there have been a few staple recipes that have languished untouched due to my being unable to find their key ingredients. A favourite meal can also become less enticing when it requires a trip to four different supermarkets just to complete the shopping list.

Food shopping ought, in my opinion, to be inspiring rather than lacklustre. After all we are what we eat and I personally would prefer to eat a plate full of fresh colourful ingredients. How nice to enjoy vegetables grown in the warm sunshine or eat a beautiful fish simply grilled with a salad that can make my tastebuds dance with pleasure. How exciting to find them in Copenhagen.

Today was for fresh inspiration and a renewed belief that some of my beloved recipes, previously tucked away for another time and place, might yet emerge triumphant. A day spent exploring Torvehallen. Located behind the S tog at Norreport, Torvehallen is an indoor food market ready to cater to the needs of foodies all over the city.
Essentially Torvehallen is comprised of two large buildings filled with units covering all tastes and cultures and we spent a happy hour or so wandering from place to place marveling at all the produce available to buy. We tried a few things, spoke to some enthusiastic traders and ended our visit with one of the best cups of coffee I have had in a long time. There are a number of food stands offering meals such as sushi or tapas, all with a throng of expectant people crowding around.

I will be a regular visitor, maybe not for a full shop but certainly to find the key players in some much anticipated recipes. I eagerly look forward to spending quality time with my treasured books although it might need to be for slightly longer than usual as I feel the door has once again been opened to a whole new world of flavours. How exciting.

I had no idea that certain ingredients that I had become so accustomed to purchasing back home in England would prove to be quite so illusive once I had settled enough to start cooking again here in Copenhagen.
Food shopping ought, in my opinion, to be inspiring rather than lacklustre. After all we are what we eat and I personally would prefer to eat a plate full of fresh colourful ingredients. How nice to enjoy vegetables grown in the warm sunshine or eat a beautiful fish simply grilled with a salad that can make my tastebuds dance with pleasure. How exciting to find them in Copenhagen.
Today was for fresh inspiration and a renewed belief that some of my beloved recipes, previously tucked away for another time and place, might yet emerge triumphant. A day spent exploring Torvehallen. Located behind the S tog at Norreport, Torvehallen is an indoor food market ready to cater to the needs of foodies all over the city.
I will be a regular visitor, maybe not for a full shop but certainly to find the key players in some much anticipated recipes. I eagerly look forward to spending quality time with my treasured books although it might need to be for slightly longer than usual as I feel the door has once again been opened to a whole new world of flavours. How exciting.
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